Brown patches on your lawn can be quite an eyesore. Ideally, a well-maintained lawn should be green and vibrant, but these unsightly brown patches could ruin the overall aesthetic of your outdoor landscape. The trick is to get rid of these brown patches as soon as they occur. When you remove a brown patch, take preventative measures to make sure it does not recur.
If you do not want these brown patches on your lawn, adhere to a regular lawn care schedule. In case you have a busy life and don’t have the time to take care of your yard, you can easily hire professionals to maintain your lawn. They will ensure your lawn gets the attention that it needs at the right time.
In addition, there are several best practices to avoid the development of brown patches. The following methods are effective for treating the brown patches on your lawn:
1. Use Fungicides

As soon as you spot the first sign of a brown patch fungus, apply the fungicide. There are many fungicide options to choose from, and your choice depends on the most effective type of application for your lawn. At most, you will need to apply the fungicide two times during a month. While using the fungicide, follow the instructions on the packaging closely for the best results.
2. Pest Control

Some pesky insects are notorious for causing brown patches on lawns. These pests thrive during the drought season by sucking all the water from the grass. These pests will cause your lawn to turn yellow or brown. To rid your lawn of these pests, remove thatch and ensure your lawn is regularly watered.
3. Weed Control

Weeds are the common culprits for the brown patches on your lawn, since they are competing with the grass for water and nutrients. With the help of pre-emergent herbicides, you can stop the weeds from germinating. This needs to be a regular lawn care routine, because the weeds might pop up again and again.
Weed control is one of the most difficult tasks for many homeowners to perform. Fortunately, you can schedule regular lawn maintenance with a professional company and control the spread of weeds on your lawn.
4. Change the Mower Blade

Mowing is basically cutting grass. If your mower blade is blunt, it shreds the grass instead of cutting it. This results in the ends of your grass blades dying and finally turning brown. To prevent this from happening, you should change the mower blade occasionally.
Always ensure that the blade is sharp before you start mowing your lawn, because using a blunt blade does your lawn more harm than good. Keep in mind that you do not necessarily have to replace the whole machine.
5. Treat Compacted Soil

Over time, the soil beneath your lawn is bound to get compact. The soil compaction process may result in problems with air circulation, nutrient absorption and water drainage, which ultimately causes the formation of brown patches.
You can aerate your lawn by punching 3-inch deep holes to ensure the grass makes proper use of the nutrients. Ideally, you should aerate your lawn annually.
6. Don’t Overuse Nitrogen-Rich Fertilizer

Nitrogen is essential for photosynthesis to take place. It helps in the production of chlorophyll, which absorbs sunlight. However, saturating the soil with nitrogen increases its mineral salts and draws water from the grass, leaving behind the salts. The grass then becomes dehydrated and starts to brown. The best remedy for this is to water the affected area to get rid of excess nitrogen.
7. Monitor Your Dog

A dog’s urine is highly concentrated with nitrogen. Allowing your dog to pee on your lawn will cause brown patches to appear. Train your dog to urinate on gravel or in the woods to keep your lawn looking healthy.
8. Avoid Over-Watering Your Lawn

You have probably seen a brown patch on your lawn and thought that it needed more water. However, that brown patch on your yard could be a sign of over-watering. Excessive water makes the soil saturated, and the grass eventually dies from lack of oxygen. It is a good idea to add moisture sensors to your sprinklers, which can sense when an area has enough water.
Always water your lawn at the right time. Morning hours are the best because the air is cool. It is also not too windy to blow the water droplets away. At midday, the sun is out completely, so the water evaporates too fast. It is also not advisable to water your lawn too late in the day. This is because your lawn will be left damp throughout the night, an ideal condition for brown patch mould to thrive in.
Your Perfect Lawn Awaits!
Transform your lawn and enjoy a beautiful, green outdoor space. Reach out today and let Absolute Home Services handle the rest.
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